32 comments on “Water

  1. I never was a water drinker–ours tastes hideous–but a few months ago I was introduced to Talking Rain bottled water. Prior to that, I had refused to buy bottled water, tried those flavorings, but they were just as hideous–but Talking Rain is excellent, no sodium, made locally. I’m now a believer, and I’m sure my body appreciates the break from diet Pepsi. Still, I hate paying for water…


  2. I was horrified to read recently that Nestle’s CEO ( I think I have this right, it was a quick read somewhere) did not consider water to be an entitled resource for all while they pillaged it from every quarter to bottle. I am fortunate to have my water sourced from Loch Katrine and it tastes beautiful straight from the tap. There are some things in life that simply, self-evidently, should be freely available as necessity. A simple and wonderful poem illustrating that fact, Paul.


    • I, too, am fortunate – I have a well tapped into a refreshing aquifer fed by our prodigious snowmelt – but I ache for those who lack this essential resource – it should be considered no less vitalt than air

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