39 comments on “Detention

  1. I’m glad your powerful words are a solice but I do hope that you might still find a new combination of approaches to pain relief that would be right for you.

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  2. We are, as John Masefield long ago put it, ‘too broke to mend’ . . . I’ll sit by your side at the ‘fortunate window’ and figuratively hold your hand!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I found this work especially powerful for me; especially since I blew out my back almost 2 years ago. The back and forth with doctors has yielded nothing but a drawer full of half-used meds that don’t work, and a prescription for a cane 😦

    May I re-blog this work? I’m still rather new to WordPress.



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  4. Another significant poem for Me and My Husband. He went off of pain medication (Tridural) He had been on for over ten years and is now virtually pain-free and exercising and considering an across Canada plane trip to be with His Family in British Columbia — a trip of misery two years ago. A beautiful, powerful poem, Paul. And important.

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  5. Reblogged this on Triad773 and commented:
    I typically don’t write about things I am going through that are pain related, but this poem spoke to me of some of my own experiences. I thought it powerful enough that I wanted to share this work of a fellow blogger. I hate measuring how a day goes by how difficult it is to put on my shoes and socks in the morning, but I must keep trying to find a solution.

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