20 comments on “Vicissitudes

  1. Gorgeous and musical. The dazzling elasticity of youth and electric middle age giving way to the ‘brash inverse of theorem’ and a counter-intuitive ‘fortune of memories’. This song is for all of us. Thx for sharing this. I do think it’s arguable that the slide rule is a more deeply beautiful and thrilling artifact than all our combined digital hoo-ha. Thx again. This story never grows old.

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  2. I would love to be able to say I understood all this, but it is true to say I loved reading every bit of it. This old mind is not as quick as it used to be, and I was always more of a pitch`pipe sort of a guy than a slide`rule one . . . You are sharper than a fillet knife!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved this!! Which says a lot because I hate math and I’m pretty sure there may have been some physics in here. I don’t know enough about physics to know if I hate that or not. However, this poem was a delicious puzzle for me and I really enjoyed it!

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