13 comments on “What Price Ignorance?

  1. very good point Paul…but all is not lost…I was basically illiterate when I left school…I could sign my name and fill out an application as long as it was a standard application that didn’t deviate from the generic forms…I was passed along to the next grade and the next without learning until I dropped out at age 15…Education was less important back then in terms of finding employment…now you need a degree to work at Mcdonalds…yes I know it’s an exaggeration but not by much…thank you for tackling this important issue…drop out rates are hitting epidemic numbers…how many Einsteins are being lost because the system is failing them…I believe education (including Higher Education) should be free, it is one off the best investments a society can make…


  2. I love this poem. I share your concern with our “educations” dismantlement into institutions of mere socialization and abandonment of critical thinking.

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