124 comments on “Sad News

  1. I find myself in tears. Your father took the time to offer encouragement to me when I wrote poems. I was enthusiastic about his flamboyant style and often biting insight, which he was able to fuse seamlessly into an effervescent and thoughtful poetic amalgam. It was always with a sense of glee that I observed new reflections in the Lenzi kaleidoscope. I enjoyed exchanging comments and remarks with him. Please lay a flower at his resting place for me. He said it was time for eternity to collect us. May we follow his lead and discover the peace he now knows.

    A star transcending to the silent sky,
    The spangled heavens brightening with pride,
    The caring reach of cherubim outstretched,
    To greet the child of God, now beatified,

    A flood of summer sunshine pouring down,
    The blinding glut of heaven’s holy force,
    Fashioning the soul in hues of peace,
    A tapestry to match the sacred source,

    Almighty jubilation fills the air,
    Hosannas for the one that joins the fold,
    We take you now, to see the God we see,
    Aye, set aside your fleeting earthly mould,

    Look back, the path is radiant with your steps,
    The joy you gave to others as you went,
    The beauty that you witnessed with your heart,
    The gift of life so generously spent,

    All fear is past, love blossoms as we go,
    The prayers of those who knew you will suffice,
    The call of the Creator guides us home,
    The laneway wending on to paradise…

    Liked by 7 people

  2. My heart goes out to you and the rest of the family. I knew Paul when he first started his blog and we supported one another despite out differences with love and respect. I knew there was something wrong the other day when I couldn’t find any poems by him posted and I feared the worst. I don’t know when he died but I hope he got my last comment to him. I felt so badly about how much he suffered. May he rest in peace finally! I am in tears… sending love… ellen


  3. I am completely stunned. He was an inspiration and I enjoyed his words so very much. I pray that you and all his loved ones are blessed with much peace and comfort in these days. Thank you for sharing this news with us.


  4. Reblogged this on S. K. Nicholas and commented:
    Paul sadly passed away recently. He was one of the first people I followed here on WordPress and was kind enough to even comment on a few of my pieces. A great writer and special soul who has now moved on to the next adventure.


  5. Such a sad and sudden loss for you, Paul’s family, and us, Paul’s followers who daily read his poetry. You are in my prayers. Your father was a gifted and gracious man. We will miss him.


  6. He was a good friend who shared himself through his poetry. It will be hard to not see his frequent entries or read his welcomed comments on my work. My sincere condolences on your loss. Oldmainer


  7. My deepest condolences for your loss. Every time a poet dies it is really sad for the poetry community. But we must learn to let go and move on. At least we have his legacy. When my father died (he was not a poet, though) I created this dance to honor him and I also wrote a humble poetry attempt to explain the meaning of the dance. May the following be also to honor your father and all the beloved ones we lose during our lifetime: https://momentsbloc.wordpress.com/2018/07/01/circle-of-light-in-the-darkness/


  8. Please know that we loved Paul and his writing!! He was a very talented writer and a great Friend! We shall miss him deeply! I do hope that you will be able to honor him by keeping his blog active and perhaps being able to get a book of his works published or at least publish/post his works on his blog. Many people have not followed Paul’s blog until recently and it would be really great if you could just repost all of his works on his blog (gradually) as a “Reprise” for us and new followers. This is easy to do and Dorinda or I would be happy to assist in walking you through the process. It is not labor intensive and may provide some comforting moments rereading his works?

    This is something I wrote for the family of a friend of mine that passed and it brought them comfort and I hope it will for Paul’s family too!

    By Charles Robert Lindholm

    He was a candle in the wind
    that brightened up
    the darkness of the night
    with the light he
    brought into my life

    He warmed my heart
    with his flame
    as it flickered
    and fluttered
    inside his soul
    and protected me
    from the cold
    and lonely
    winters of life

    My days were always
    brighter with him
    by my side
    and for me
    the sun could
    not compete
    with him

    A candle in the wind
    that flickered
    and fluttered

    A Flickering Soul
    a beautiful flame
    that I shall
    love forever

    Copyright © 2017 Charles Robert Lindholm – All Rights Reserved

    Rest In Peace Dear Friend!
    And Sympathy and prayers to your family
    Chuck Lindholm
    The Reluctant Poet


  9. I’m so sorry to hear. Paul was a brilliant poet. I consider myself very lucky to have found his blog, and his words since have always managed to find themselves in me. He leaves great work behind. A huge loss for the writing community here on WordPress.


  10. proudly and effortlessly
    he walks to the heavens
    on a golden staircase
    created of his words

    to walk and feel as light as a feather
    for every step is of his making
    he leaves behind not a black hole of worthlessness
    he leaves behind the greatest of gifts
    his heart, his thoughts, his wonder

    never will he leave completely
    for he has built a staircase
    of himself, of his inner soul, of his aspirations
    he has gifted all of us that did not know him

    condolences to his family

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It is always wonderful to read great writers like Paul and have them wind there way into your heart. I was very blessed that Paul’s poem “NO ONE ELSE” left me with a seed of inspiration that bloomed and blossomed into a poem of mine. I will always be indebted to Paul for the gift of a word, a phrase, a thought from his heart that was planted into mine and grew into a poem. I had the honor of thanking Paul for his gift and for that I’m so grateful. I am so sorry that I only have the works he left us and no more future works to search through to find other seeds of inspiration from Paul. I shall be forever blessed to have received his gift of inspiration to me in – I ONLY HAVE MY WORDS.

    Thank you, Paul for the gift of inspiration from you!!!! We will miss you, Dear Friend!!!!!
    The Reluctant Poet


  12. RIP Paul, since I joined this community six years ago, he has been one of the most inspiring poets for me and one of my favourite. His words were visceral and powerful, he will be truly missed. My best wishes to all his family.


  13. My deepest empathy. Losing a loved one who was loved by many is very difficult. He was a man of a enormous pile of words that he used effectively in description.


  14. My deepest condolences to you Lenzis. Paul was a magnificent presence many would miss dearly. It’s sorrowful to let him go, but he’ll live on — in our memories and in the many literary wonders he has bestowed upon the world. Peace.


  15. In my short time I have been reading your father’s poems I was highly intrigued by his expressive tones! He painted surreal abstract words that articulated every emotion he needed to evoke in an art lover or new comer! He is indeed a legend and his words will forever resonate in our hearts and for generations to come!! May his soul rest in peace and may the Angels usher him to rest in the Heavenly realm! God shall comfort your family…from Mamello Keketso Sago


  16. I will sincerely miss your father. He was such a gentleman and so kind. He bought my book when I published it on Amazon and wrote such a lovely review. He supported my blog with his frequent visits, comments and likes. He was a great poet and so prolific.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Paul Lenzii. May the angels sing hallelujah as you enter the gates of heaven.

    the fading glow
    of hibiscus


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