83 comments on “For You

  1. Tears, tears and more tears. I think this is your most beautiful poem yet! Such a tender love poem! Really touched my heart so deeply. With your permission, will reblog. To know such love is a blessing to all.


  2. This is sweetness that brought a tear to my eye and put a lump in my throat. Extraordinary, Paul. I hope you don’t mind my reblogging it on my blog. I will give due credit, of course.


  3. Reblogged this on Think the Infinite and commented:
    This poem truly moved me. Lovers, parent and child…. Isn’t this what you’d do for the one you love? Wish for no limits so you could give everything beautiful to give their heart delight? Thank you to Paul Lenzi for this post. (poesypluspolemics.com)


  4. Pingback: A Haiku For Paul | Have Blog Will Scribble

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